Rump Session

Rump Session - CFP

Rump session program is located below.

The ASIACRYPT 2019 rump session will take place on Tuesday, December 10th from 19:30 onwards, following the Test-of-Time Awards ceremony. Short talks on breaking news, striking new results, clever witticisms, deep (but concise) philosophical commentary on the state of the community, or any other topic that you feel confident will catch the attention of your fellow, mildly intoxicated cryptographers, are hereby sollicited for presentation at this session.

Prospective presenters are reminded that the rump session is governed by iron laws passed down since times immemorial:

  • First, be short and to the point.
  • First, be entertaining to the audience.
  • First, no bringing your own laptop.
  • First, no conference announcements.
  • First, the rump session chair always has the final say.

According to contemporary exegesis, this means in particular that talks must fit within 5 minutes and 8 slides; boring talks are not welcome; slides must be submitted in PDF format only by the specified deadline; and conference or meeting announcements will not be awarded a talk slot (single-slide announcements may be considered for rolling display during the break). Submissions not meeting these laws (particularly the first) risk outright rejection? or worse.

Submit talk proposals by filling the form below by Tuesday, December 10th at 12:00 JST, Monday, December 9th at 17:00 JST, which in particular lets you provide a link to the presentation PDF file. Later edits are permitted, but make sure your final file is registered by 12:00 noon on Tuesday.

Questions and requests can be sent by email to the rump session chair at The proper honorific to address the chair is sensei.

Rump session program
18:30 Buffet begins
19:20 Fellows ceremony & Test-of-time awards
19:40 Rump session opening remarks
19:45 PC chairs' address S. Galbraith, S. Moriai
19:50 Asiacrypt 2020 K. Kim
19:55 Unsupervised SCA for public key crypto L. Chmielewski
20:00 Deep learning with errors Y. Chen
20:05 New second preimage attacks on Streebog-512 A. Naumenko
20:10 HEAAN-STAT J. Seo
20:15 Hey, Lattice-based GKEs, I'm afraid you're broken R. Choi
20:20 Modular lattice signatures, revisited D. Das
20:25 Calling the dark side A. Roy, D. Vizár
20:30 On the relative quality of crypto conferences V. Kolesnikov
20:31 Summer School on MPC 2020 Hidden Ninjas
20:32 Something is rotten in the Kingdom of Denmark B. David
20:33 Alternative Physical Models for Cryptography B. David
20:38 NTT Labs & NTT Research workshop T. Okamoto
20:39 IWSEC 2020 Y. Suga
20:40 Cold wallets in Japan Y. Suga
20:45 Rump session prize selection & award
20:50 Adjourn