Asiacrypt 2024

December 9-13, 2024

Kolkata, India


It is imperative that authors and attendees allow sufficient time to obtain visas.

An Indian visa is required for all non-Indian participants. If you are planning to attend Asiacrypt, please send us the following details as soon as possible to asiacrypt.2024 at (also CC asiacrypt2024 at with the subject "Asiacrypt 2024 Participation".

  1. full name
  2. nationality
  3. affiliation
  4. official contact email address
  5. passport number
  6. passport validity

The above details are necessary to obtain permission from the Indian government. We expect to obtain said permission around 60 days prior to the event; this duration should be sufficient to obtain an Indian visa. Once you complete your registration for Asiacrypt 2024, we will provide you with a formal invitation letter.

We hope that you will be able to attend Asiacrypt 2024 and help us make the conference a great success.