11:30-11:35 Rump Session Opening Remarks Rump session chairs 11:35-11:37 Summer School in Post-Quantum Cryptography Péter Kutas University of Birmingham and Eötvös Loránd University 11:37-11:42 It's all happening in Bristol Chloe Martindale University of Bristol 11:42-11:47 On the Technical Flaws in CCC White Paper: Episode 3/n Muhammad Usama Sardar and Christof Fetzer Technische Universität Dresden 11:47-11:52 Acknowledgments Michel Abdalla IACR President 11:52-11:55 Concluding remarks Rump session chairs
A successful rump session crucially depends on you, the attendees of Asiacrypt 2021, to send in your best submissions so we can create a cracking program. Do you have breaking news, progress reports, or other topics of interest to the cryptographic community? Can you keep your talk short and entertaining? The rump session is where people show off their talents, present breaking news with their own sense of humour, or in rare cases either commiserate their rejected submission, or plug work under submission in deadpan fashion, hoping in vain of influencing potential reviewers in the audience.
You can submit your proposals by sending an email containing the title of the talk, names of authors, presenters and slides to asiacrypt2021rumpsession at gmail dot com. Any submissions mucking up the form or otherwise not following these guidelines may be summarily rejected. Some submissions may have to be rejected or shortened because of time constraints (and we have less time allocated than usual).
Time constraints: 1-5 minutes, 6 minutes if very funny
Submission deadline: Wednesday 8 December 2021 10:30am UTC Note extension!
How to submit: check the second paragraph under call for contributions
The rump session will be run via Zoom and will be live simulcast on YouTube and both video and slides will be made available online to the wider world afterwards. The act of submitting will be taken as your consent to these terms. Note that it is your responsibility as a rump session contender that no plagiarism or copyright infringements take place. Do not play copyrighted music as part of your talk under any circumstances. If you aren't sure, it's probably copyrighted.
Speakers will be asked to share their own screen at the time of the talk. To reduce the talk-switching time, we encourage all the speakers to locally practice screen sharing on Zoom. Upon request we will also offer a practice session for users unfamiliar with Zoom; if this is the case, please indicate this on your submission form. Screen switching time will count as part of a speakers allocated time and, in case of technical difficulties, we will unfortunately have to cut short after about 15 seconds with an ultimate attempt at the end of the rump session, time permitting.
For the submission we need a PDF, but the rump session will be virtual through Zoom. The current presenter will be in focus and can share their screen. This means that you can use your own machine to run your part of the rump session, so if you don't want to use PDF, simply submit a placeholder PDF-conversion instead. It also means you can update slides until quite late. Some people might like to tinker with their presentation until the last minute, so this year is your opportunity!
Even if you plan a live presentation or something else that doesn't involve slides, we require you to submit at least a title slide. The reason is that we will let every speaker share their screen at the beginning of their talk, thereby bringing the focus to them before the start of their talk.